14 Weeks (Third Time’s a Charm!)

We are expecting our third baby! Sometimes that feels insane but mostly it feels perfectly right. It’s hard to imagine how this new little person will change our family dynamic, especially the relationship between Judah and Ella. They are such buddies and I’m a little worried that a new sibling will either feel left out or somehow change their relationship so they’re not as close. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Total Weight Gain: I think so far I have netted zero weight gain after losing weight in the first trimester. I wasn’t as sick this time as I was with Ella but good in general never sounded particularly good. Thankfully that has passed and I feel nearly normal again.

Baby’s Heart Rate: We had our first appointment at the end of September and this pregnancy we decided to go with a provider in town rather than the birth center. This was a VERY hard decision for me, I love the care I receive at the birth center but the logistics of traveling to Chapel Hill with two kids and homeschooling just wasn’t the best decision for our family. So this time around I’ll be giving birth in the hospital! Stay tuned for how that goes… (Third kid – first time in the hospital. This will be interesting)

Biggest Craving this week: I haven’t had any major cravings so far, I think in part because this time around I’ve also got pregnancy rhinitis – aka fully congested nose until I deliver 🙄. There’s been a few random things like last week I was doing for a tuna melt. And I dream about random food every night. Last night it was cheese straws with chocolate dipping sauce 😂

Energy Level: The first trimester was ROUGH. I felt like I could barely function during the day and would pass out almost immediately at night. But then I would wake up around 3am and be awake for hours. Just this week that seems to have gotten a little better but it is far too early for me to have trouble sleeping!

How clothes fit: I had to break out the maternity pants around 8 weeks. Hard to not feel self conscious about that! But then I did some research and found out that that’s not so crazy the third time around. I can still wear normal t-shirts but I also wear my maternity shirts because, why not?

Movement: I haven’t noticed any for sure yet though I have had some Braxton Hicks already! I’m actually looking forward to that little kicks again.

Next Doctor’s Appointment: December 2. We’ll have our anatomy scan then and be able to find out if it’s a boy or girl!

Looking Forward to: Our family trip to the Outer Banks this weekend! Josh is supposed to be running a half marathon on Sunday and we’ll have a chance for the four (five?) of us to get away for the first time.