38 Weeks

38 weeks

We are officially full term! And I am officially feeling HUGE. I felt like up until 30 weeks I thought I had such a cute bump and now I just feel enormously pregnant.

Total Weight Gain: Close to 35 lbs at last doctor’s appointment. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little terrified of hitting/passing the 200 lb mark on the scale…

Movement: Just this past week, this little guy has started having a full on dance party in there at night! I thought everything was supposed to slow down as you get closer to the end but his movements have been crazy to watch! I actually took some video the other night and I love watching Josh’s face when he sees my belly do some full on waves.

New Symptoms: I’ve had really bad hip pain at night, it usually goes away once I get up and get moving in the morning but it can be really uncomfortable – especially if I have to do something crazy like turn over. Also this week I’ve started getting headaches. I’ve always had headaches but luckily haven’t dealt with them too often with this pregnancy…at least until now :-/

Biggest Craving This Week: Right now I want fried chicken really badly… I think I’m still regressing to the first trimester where random things get mentioned and then suddenly I can’t stop thinking about it! So right now it’s fried chicken…and lemonade…and maybe a biscuit…

Energy Level:  Again, for the most part I’ve been fairly normal I just get physically tired a lot more easily. Josh and I have been taking walks at lunch which has been great in this really nice weather but it does make my feet hurt and I often have to pause because my belly feels tight (I’m thinking this is Braxton Hicks)

Rants/Random: I had a great time at my shower last week and have been really enjoying fall activities while we can still get out and about easily. We went to Briley’s last Saturday which is a local farm and picked up pumpkins and had a hay ride. We were going to do the corn maze but it was infested with fire ants so we passed on that and went to a friend’s house for a campfire and cookout.

Looking forward to: Birth! I know I’m technically still early but I’m so ready to go ahead and meet our son!