What I’ve Gained (and lost)


I’m into month 3 at Fit Body Boot Camp and I can honestly I haven’t worked out this consistently since college. And even then that’s a bit debatable because I definitely didn’t work this hard! I don’t exactly know what it is that makes it fun enough to wake up early 3-4 mornings a week but it really is. I was worried when I signed up that I’d be throwing money away on yet another gym membership. That being said, I still weigh the same as when I started which is a bit discouraging. I know that some of that is because I still need to clean up my eating habits but I have lost some inches (mostly in the boob area. WHY LORD, WHY?) It sounds corny to say it, but I’ve gained so much more though.
That picture at the top? That was taken by my friend Amanda at toddler open gym. Her exact caption was, “how athletic are you? Lol” It felt, and feels, so unbelievably good to be able to do things with my body again. I wasn’t working out before I got pregnant with Judah and then add the 2 years of general flabbiness from pregnancy and his first year of life and there were a lot of things I just couldn’t do anymore. I’ve always been a more athletic type (let’s not confuse “athletic” with “good” or “competent”. Just to clarify.) Playing sports and being active. Now I found myself in a stage of life where I was hindered not by desire but by actual physical capability.
Though my clothes don’t fit noticeably different and the scale hasn’t changed, I feel 100 times more confident than I did at the beginning of January. I actually feel good about myself and my body and that is definitely worth the 5am alarm!