36 Weeks

36 weeks

Well, we’re in the short rows now! Only about a month left and it seems so close yet so far…

Total Weight Gain: I think I’m up a total of 30 lbs so far but we’ll find out the official number at this week’s doctor appointment.

Movement: There’s a lot less “moving” going on in general since he’s starting to run out of room but the movements I feel now (like right now as I’m typing this) are more like pushes and nudges. Sometimes I’ll grab Josh’s hand when he’s doing it so he can feel the little arm or leg or shoulder that is right under my skin! He also still likes to work his feet up under my ribs (the other day at small group I sneezed and said “Ow!” which of course makes everyone look at you concerned, but it was just because when I crunched over with the sneeze, I landed on feet) Maybe this means he’s going to be tall!

New Symptoms:  So, at least for this week, I’ve replaced my clothes fitting section with a new symptoms section because I feel  like a ton of cropped up all of a sudden. Nosebleeds for instance. I’ve had two in the past 24 hours and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had a nosebleed in my entire life – and those were almost always a result of trauma! I’ve also developed lovely morning nausea that starts at about 5am. It usually goes away once I get up and get something to eat (or manage to ignore it long enough that I fall back asleep for a few more hours) but it has not been fun to start my day that early! I’m also at the point where I feel hungry about every two hours (sometimes I think growing a newborn is making me behave like one – eat every two hours, take a nap, pee a lot, cry for no reason, etc…) so I know Judah is plumping up in there getting ready for the big day!

Biggest Craving This Week:  Pineapple (and more junk food). I don’t think I’ve ever bought fresh pineapple before and I’ve bought, and eaten, two this week. It just tastes so good! I like to think that and my healthy paleo suppers I’ve been making – Josh is back on his Paleo diet and doing awesome – make up for the fact that I CRAVE junk food! Last weekend we went and did some community service with our church and went to lunch at BWW after where I got a (shamefully) delicious “nacho burger”. Two patties, two pieces of cheese, jalepenos, chiptole bbq sauce, and nacho chips. I swear a drunk or a pregnant lady came up with it and I am very grateful.

Energy Level: For the most part, my energy has been pretty good except that it takes so little to take it out of me these days. For instance, Monday I cleaned both bathrooms and our bedroom super thoroughly (blame the nesting thing I think) and my feet were tired and I lay on the couch the rest of the afternoon! Somedays just going out to Target or the grocery store is enough to make me want a nap. At least I’m not working, I discovered that when I subbed out at BGCS last week – the biggest blessing that I didn’t know was coming was not being asked to come back this fall to teach. I could handle it, sure, but I’m so glad that I don’t have to!

Rants/Random:  So maybe it’s partly due to living in a college town but this week I’ve started to recognize how quickly I’m leaving behind my “youth”. I know I’ve been technically an adult for 10 years but thinking about much my life is going to change in just a few short weeks has made me a little sad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really excited too, but it’s more that recognition of my carefree days are leaving. Sometimes I catch myself just staring at  Josh when we decide to go out randomly and think about how soon this chapter of a family of two is ending. I guess I’m just cherishing those moments I have left 🙂

Looking forward to: My baby shower on Saturday! Can’t wait to get some goodies (and eat some cake of course) 🙂

34 Weeks

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I can’t believe I’m 34 weeks already! However, I had a moment early this morning around 5am where I think I finally got that speech at the end of “What to Expect”… pregnancy sucks. I’m tired of feeling huge, I’m tired of not being able to sleep, of waking up in pain every night. I’m sick of feeling like my body is out of control and I can’t do anything like I used to. I know it’s all worth it in the end (so they tell me) but I’m definitely having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Total Weight Gain: I think I’m up 30 lbs in all – I officially weigh more than Josh!

Movement: Still quite a bit of movement, I got some hard jabs yesterday that made me gasp. I have to laugh at myself a little bit because when that happens I find myself saying sternly, “Stop it!” like he can understand or help it 🙂 Also, at the last doctor’s appointment my midwife commented on how stuck down in my pelvis he’s been (head down) and I wanted to say “no kidding!” I don’t think he’s officially settled in the birthing position for good but when he does get down there I can tell – I have to walk in a super attractive waddle because there’s so much pain and pressure. It almost feels like I’ve pulled muscles on the inside of my thighs and is quite uncomfortable!

Biggest Craving This Week: Doughnuts, I’ve gone and picked them up 4 times this week and I don’t think I’ve had a single one since May. And mozzarella sticks. Here’s a picture from Wednesday night when I said I wanted mozzarella sticks at 10pm and Josh went out to get some (though I think he was also glad for an excuse to get himself some cheese fries)


I feel like I’m regressing to my first trimester food preferences. The smell and thought of “home cooked” food is so unappealing to me, I’d rather have fries and a hamburger or something. I don’t know if this is all in my head or not but I now have to make a concerted effort again to eat healthy.

Energy Level: I still have good days and bad days depending on how well I’ve slept at night but my energy level is generally low again like it was during my first trimester. It takes far too much initiative on my part to get off the couch!

Rants/Random: Paul and Lis had their twin boys! I haven’t had a chance to meet them yet but did get a chance to visit Paul and Lis in the hospital and they seem to be doing great. I guess I’m officially the “last one standing” in the huge group of preggos from church 🙂

Looking Forward To: It may sound weird but I’m kind of looking forward to birth and delivery. I’m ready to meet our son as well as experience labor. I love holding all these new babies but I can’t wait to hold my own! 🙂