This and That

So I have to say that I LOVE living in North Carolina. I’ll admit that sometimes I miss my New England weather (every fall) and sometimes I miss my Boston (every weekend) but while my Yankee friends are still sitting in freezing weather and a foot of snow, I get to go for walks in 70 degree sunshine.

I just love the fresh air and the way it smells like Spring. It’s also great that Josh and I live in such a great area – we can be close to everyone and everything (crucial for two extroverts) but yet we can get the feeling of escape just by walking across the street. Here are some pictures I took today on my walk with Judah

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It feels like forever ago but just a few weeks back, we had a decent amount of snow to enjoy “winter.” I’m happy that I got to get some snow but I’m always glad to see it melt away (you know, in like a day)

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Other than getting to enjoy the outdoors, things around here have been pretty tame – or at least as tame as things get with a baby. Judah is sleeping about 12 hours through the night and has started eating some oatmeal and sweet potatoes. I gotta say, this kid loves to eat. This is is most evident when he does what I call a piranha chomp on his spoon. Think mouth open, leaning head in to meet the spoon, and “GARUMP” chomp.