34 Weeks

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I can’t believe I’m 34 weeks already! However, I had a moment early this morning around 5am where I think I finally got that speech at the end of “What to Expect”… pregnancy sucks. I’m tired of feeling huge, I’m tired of not being able to sleep, of waking up in pain every night. I’m sick of feeling like my body is out of control and I can’t do anything like I used to. I know it’s all worth it in the end (so they tell me) but I’m definitely having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Total Weight Gain:ย I think I’m up 30 lbs in all – I officially weigh more than Josh!

Movement:ย Still quite a bit of movement, I got some hard jabs yesterday that made me gasp. I have to laugh at myself a little bit because when that happens I find myself saying sternly, “Stop it!” like he can understand or help it ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, at the last doctor’s appointment my midwife commented on how stuck down in my pelvis he’s been (head down) and I wanted to say “no kidding!” I don’t think he’s officially settled in the birthing position for good but when he does get down there I can tell – I have to walk in a super attractive waddle because there’s so much pain and pressure. It almost feels like I’ve pulled muscles on the inside of my thighs and is quite uncomfortable!

Biggest Craving This Week: Doughnuts, I’ve gone and picked them up 4 times this week and I don’t think I’ve had a single one since May. And mozzarella sticks. Here’s a picture from Wednesday night when I said I wanted mozzarella sticks at 10pm and Josh went out to get some (though I think he was also glad for an excuse to get himself some cheese fries)


I feel like I’m regressing to my first trimester food preferences. The smell and thought of “home cooked” food is so unappealing to me, I’d rather have fries and a hamburger or something. I don’t know if this is all in my head or not but I now have to make a concerted effort again to eat healthy.

Energy Level:ย I still have good days and bad days depending on how well I’ve slept at night but my energy level is generally low again like it was during my first trimester. It takes far too much initiative on my part to get off the couch!

Rants/Random:ย Paul and Lis had their twin boys! I haven’t had a chance to meet them yet but did get a chance to visit Paul and Lis in the hospital and they seem to be doing great. I guess I’m officially the “last one standing” in the huge group of preggos from church ๐Ÿ™‚

Looking Forward To:ย It may sound weird but I’m kind of looking forward to birth and delivery. I’m ready to meet our son as well as experience labor. I love holding all these new babies but I can’t wait to hold my own! ๐Ÿ™‚

One thought on “34 Weeks

  1. your are not the last one standing..you can pass the torch to Randi ๐Ÿ™‚ and it is not weird to look forward to labor and delivery, there is so much to have over with, but what a chapter to begin; baby smell, cuddles, little toes and fingers, and a gift form God that completely ties you and Josh together in love

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