An Open Letter to the Future

Dear Judah,

Today it hit me how fast the time really goes. One day when you’re 18 or something and read this, you’ll probably just think it’s your mom being all mushy and you won’t really understand. That’s ok because I didn’t before I had you. We listened to that song “Wagon Wheel” this morning, it’s probably a real “oldie” by now, and I just held you tight and cried and cried. You tried to squirm away because you are far more interested in crawling around and sticking your fingers in outlets than in hugs but your mommy was having a moment. I realized that only a year ago I was pregnant with you and dreaming of the day when I could hold you and sing that song. Now here you are and you have the cutest blonde hair and little squeals of laughter when you discover something new. It was today, in a moment in a morning with laundry piling up and the bed unmade that I realized that I will never, ever love you any less than completely. Realizing today that no matter what you do, I will always love you so much my heart feels like it’s going to burst. I know the days will come when I will raise my voice, when I will be angry or frustrated. I know you will disappoint me and one day you will even say you hate me. But I love you.So when I watch you go off to kindergarten I will cry because I know how soon I will be watching you go off to college. You will make me proud, you will make me laugh, you may even make me a little crazy. But I love you.

Just Another Manic…Wednesday?

Ever have one of those days where things just can’t seem to go right? Nothing really bad, necessarily, but a lot of little things that add up.

This morning we were out of breakfast supplies (aka all the pop-tarts were gone) so I suggested to Josh that we go and get a donut together before he went to work. Instead of Krispy Kreme we were going to go to Dunkin since school is back in session and KK would be packed. In attempting to leave, I couldn’t find my keys. Josh kindly pointed out they were still hanging on the hook. Oi.

We took separate cars obviously and when I arrived at Dunkin Donuts, I realized we hadn’t actually communicated which one we were going to so…you guessed it, we went to different ones and there was not enough time to meet up at either before Josh had to get to work. I went in and got my coffee and donut and on the way out, I dropped my wallet out of my purse. To which some genius walking in decides to point out “you dropped something.” Bear in mind I am carrying Judah, a large purse, a cup of coffee and a bag with my donut in it. This was not an offer to help, by the way.

When I got home, I put my coffee on top of the car to get Judah out, walked all the way upstairs and got him settled before I realized I’d left my coffee back downstairs. Mom classic.

So the cleaning events have been lackluster but I’ve accomplished everything for today. I never cleaned the bathrooms yesterday, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. The good news is the day is not over and I still might get to it. But my floors are clean and I’m going to sit and drink my (cold) coffee before I rally again.


I think today is technically Day 7 of my cleaning experiment. We had a busy weekend and so nothing got done on Saturday or Sunday. On Friday, all I did was the daily chores so today was a catch up day. It took a bit longer with the dishes and the tidying because we had clothes to unpack from our trip to Rocky Mount and the dishes just piled up from Friday and Sunday. However, laundry is a fairly easy day as the machines do most of the actual work so it’s perfect for a Monday.

Something surprised me today though. I realized with these few chores to accomplish each day, I actually enjoy being home more. It’s a good balance between having something to do and not feeling overwhelmed with “I have to clean the WHOLE house today.” It helps me to have more fun with Judah when he’s playing because I don’t feel like I still have an endless list of things to do. Maybe it’s just a great tool to help me focus 🙂

Short post today, but like I said, we’re catching up around here…

Day 4


True confession y’all: Today I am SO not feeling it. There are still dishes that need to be washed (like 5 but that’s not the point). I’m still unshowered and in my pj’s and Judah went down for his nap 20 minutes ago. I have made the bed and tidied up and I’m happy to say that it took all of 5 mintues. Today is dusting day and in the same way that I really don’t mind vacuuming and did it regularly even before this new schedule, I never dust. I mean, never. Occasionally I will get out the Swiffer duster (which I do love) and do the ceiling fan blades when they actually turn black and I don’t want to go into anaphylactic shock from my serious dust allergy. Maybe that’s why I never do it. Or maybe because it’s always so much work for what seems like so little payoff. Dusting was one of the regular chores we had to do growing up and I hated it then. My sister and I would have to alternate weeks dusting or cleaning the bathroom and I think I remember regularly volunteering to do the bathroom instead. I did dust all the picture frames and the TV stuff (which always has the most dust). I also did the bookcases. I took all the books out and dusted and used the opportunity to rearrange because now that Judah is pulling up, I am CONSTANTLY getting him to stop pulling books off the shelves.

This is what I get for writing about it yesterday.

As you can see in the picture, one bookcase has stuff moved off the bottom shelf and the other is just rearranged. For some reason, my teaching books are the most appealing to him so I’ve just moved them to a higher shelf. We’ll see if this helps.

So not as much of a rockstar morning as other days, but this is ok. This week of keeping up with the house stuff makes me feel better at night and when I wake up. And yesterday when we had a bunch of people over, I didn’t stress about trying to get everything cleaned up because it already was. Making meals isn’t as much of a hassle because I’m not cleaning the kitchen before I can cook in it.

Day 3

"I make dirt."

“I make dirt.”

First of all, Judah just went down for his nap and I am more or less done. Success! A few things I’ve learned today…

  • I LOVE Swiffer products! I don’t think I realized how much until I got out my cleaning stuff today and it’s all Swiffer brand…
  • 20150819_093241Keeping up with the daily chores is easier than I thought. By making the bed, de-cluttering the living room and Josh and I’s bedroom, and keeping up with the dishes every morning means it takes very little time and effort to clean. I’m hoping this will translate to other chores (particularly the bathrooms!)
  • I’ve always been more diligent about cleaning my floors, I may even go so far as to say I enjoy vacuuming, mopping and sweeping (hence the Swiffer collection) much more so than, say, cleaning the shower. However, you know in the Swiffer commercial where the older man says “I’ve been living in a fool’s paradise”? That’s what an army crawling baby will do to ya. I’d vacuum the floors and within five minutes the front of Judah’s shirt would be so disgusting, he looked like Swamp Thing. So now I vacuum AND Swiffer dry mop and that makes a big difference.
    • This is a subpoint because I feel the need to say that it doesn’t help that our couch is quite literally falling apart and shedding bits of fake leather everywhere. Josh and I affectionately refer to it as “couch glitter”. Because it literally gets everywhere and is impossible to clean up. We have gone to put Judah to bed only to find couch glitter on his face. The struggle is real.


  • Part of why I’m done so early today is because I was doing a lot of these things while Judah was awake and playing. This has been a transition because when he was much tinier, he needed my attention almost full time while he was awake. That’s just the nature of a baby and so it made me feel like I couldn’t do too much until he was asleep. As he moves into toddlerhood (ugh don’t say that!) he’s much more content to watch me while I clean, climb up on the vacuum (true story) or unplug it (also true story). Plus, this is a chore I can feel relatively safe doing while he’s around underfoot. I don’t feel that way about the bathrooms because of the chemicals and the fact that those aren’t baby friendly rooms. Which brings me to…
  • Babyproofing. This morning I actually put in some effort in Judah’s room in cleaning up and getting this set up to be baby-friendly when he’s in there by himself. I’ve also given in a bought a ton of those plastic plug-covers because Judah is determined to electrocute himself before he’s one. Being a babywiser (is that a word?) I really like the philosophy that we “house-proof” rather than “babyproof” because firstly, babies are ingenious and break into things with surprising agility and speed. Secondly, it helps us to practice teaching Judah boundaries rather than just letting him get into whatever he wants. This is why there are still books on my lower shelves of our bookcases. None that are irreplaceable of course, but being home with him he has learned “no, don’t touch” means to stop touching whatever he’s interested in (even if this is repeated multiple times daily but hey, he’s a baby). Plugging the outlets and moving a lot of stuff that he could injure himself on has helped me not worry about him as much. For now.

So it’s kind of funny that I’ve blogged for three days in a row about cleaning but, oh well – this is my life :-p

Day 2

So you know how whenever you start to think you’ve got it figured out… You don’t? Today wasn’t a total bust but it wasn’t completely successful either.
Today we have a funeral to go to and it’s about a 2 hour drive so I decided to have Judah skip his morning nap and sleep in the car on the way there. Not a bad plan except today is bathroom day. Also, he REALLY gets mad in the pack n play now that he can pull up in it. I don’t know why but it does. So I have a conundrum. I know it’s too soon to move to roomtime (and not just because I haven’t babyproofed in there) and with no nap, how to get stuff done? Genius me realizes that the crib works just fine as a baby jail too. In he goes and for some reason this doesn’t make him mad! Hopefully this will be a good solution until he can move to roomtime. I made the bed for the second day in a row, ran the dishwasher and did most of the dishes. Bathrooms I only did toilets (in both) and the double vanity in our bathroom. So I didn’t get it all done but not bad for a half hour!

Day 1

So far, so good. Bed was stripped and made, first load of laundry started and living room decluttered all before I sat down with coffee.

Now, around here, Judah has Independent Play Time in his pack n’ play at 8:00 and that lasts for about a half hour (we’re working up to 45 minutes). However, recently he’s started pulling up on everything including the side of his pack n play – for some reason this really ticks him off! So instead of lasting 30 minutes and getting some of the chores done, it only lasted about 15 minutes. He and I then played for a bit, which is more than fine, especially since he just started to walk behind his cube today! My baby is growing up too fast! It was a helpful reminder that while cleaning and things are important, they can definitely take a pause when it comes to spending time with my kid. Because of all these major physical milestones, Judah got tired much faster than normal and went down for his nap about a half hour early. That’s when I finished the dishes and did the ironing.

It’s 10:20 and it’s all done! Some things took longer than expected, partially because it was stuff I wasn’t keeping up with over the weekend. It was very freeing though to have one task to focus on for the day, rather than feeling like if I quit now I’m not doing “enough” since the bathrooms still need cleaning and the floors could use a vacuuming. Great start to this new project!

Project: Manage the Mayhem

So I’ve started thinking about how to get a plan to keep my house in better shape. Judah is almost 10 months old now and while no one has actually said it, the “you have a new baby!” excuse is wearing out. Also, what seems to happen most often is that all of the “house blessings” (to use an Ebeling phrase) pile up and I do them all at once and then am so exhausted that I don’t have the motivation to maintain. That’s what this project is all about, finding a way to maintain a tidier house (I do have a mobile baby so I’m being realistic about what that means). There are a few requirements:

  1. Each day’s chores must be able to be completed during nap time (or at least most of it)
  2. Take less than 1 hour
  3. Be a routine that’s easy to repeat (since we’re all about routines here)
  4. Do regular blog updates on the progress (for some accountability until it’s a habit)

Luckily for me, in the age of Pinterest, I don’t have to start from scratch. I’ve researched, googled, and analyzed and here’s the plan I’ve come up with:


  • Empty/Load dishwasher
  • Handwash dishes and put away
  • Make bed (this will be a leap for me, I’ve never, ever made my bed daily but this will help make our bedroom feel “clean”)
  • Declutter living room/Judah’s play area (evening)


Laundry Day

  • Wash/dry all laundry (towels, sheets, clothes)
  • Ironing
  • Fold and put away (another leap for me as we usually pick through the clean clothes in the dryer for about a week… :-O)


Bathroom Day (we have two full baths so this will be a challenge!)

  • Wipe down counters/sink
  • Clean toilet
  • Scrub tub and shower


Floors (with a crawling baby this may get “spot” cleaning more often)

  • Sweep kitchen and dining room
  • Vaccuum all rooms
  • Mop kitchen and bathrooms



  • Dust bookshelves
  • End tables
  • Fan blades


“Deep Clean” Day

  • Clean oven, stove and microwave
  • Wipe down cabinets


Trash Day

  • Take out trash
  • Take out recycling
  • Grocery shopping

So I’ll be starting this plan next week. Wish me luck!

Postpartum Depression

I’ve gone back and forth on writing this post a few times now. It seems like every time I read another blog post about post-partum depression (PPD) I think “Yes, that’s exactly it! Why didn’t I read more things like this before?” So I’m going to document my experience as best I can and maybe it will be one more post for someone else to stumble on.

When I was pregnant with Judah I had read about the baby blues and PPD but not in depth. I read about the drop in hormones after birth but as an already moody pregnant woman I didn’t know how different it would really be.

So Judah was born at 1am and before I had a chance to take in the fact that I had just given birth, he was being strapped into his carseat, I was being strapped onto a stretcher and we were loaded into an ambulance. I couldn’t see him for the entire ride (which included one of the EMTs forgetting to lock the wheels of my stretcher and me almost sliding right out the back door as we pulled out of the birth center). I then spent nearly two hours in the OR getting stitched up. Then back in the room to hold Judah for about half an hour before getting wheeled into another room. I couldn’t hold him while this transition was happening because of hospital policy (i.e. if I passed out on the stretcher he could fall). By now it’s about 7am and I have been up for twenty four hours and done the most exhausting thing ever and pushed a baby out and I’ve held him for maybe an hour of that time. Craziness now that I think about it.

We brought him home and of course had no idea what we were doing. I could hardly walk, struggled to nurse and overall felt like a failure. There were signs of PPD but I didn’t know them. I thought PPD meant crying all the time or trying to hurt myself or my baby (isn’t that what they always ask at the doctor?) What it really looks like is not sleeping, even when the baby is sleeping. Not eating. Crippling anxiety. Wishing that I’d never had him. Not because I didn’t feel this deeper need to take care of him but because I wished someone would adopt him and take him away. Wishing something would happen to me so that I’d have to go to the hospital because no one would think I was a bad mom if I was in the hospital but they would if they could hear my thoughts. I’ve never told anyone that part. PPD is not necessarily wanting to hurt your baby – I wanted Judah to be well taken care of. I just didn’t think it was by me.

The anxiety was some of the worst parts. When my parents would leave in the evenings I would feel absolutely sick to my stomach because now we were on our own. I didn’t believe Josh when he told me he was ok. It’s going to sound so silly but there are some things from that time that are almost like PTSD triggers…the show Arrow for one. Josh was watching it on Netflix and he and I would lay on the couch and I would be feeling horrible the entire time. Get this, Judah would be sleeping in the bassinet and I still couldn’t relax. We went to a Halloween party the same day I ended up going to the doctor and Judah was content and snuggled up against me in his Moby sound asleep the whole time. But I still felt awful anxiety. I felt like the worst person in the world because not only was I not enjoying my baby but I couldn’t be around my other friends who had their babies because it made my anxiety and stress even worse. I remember another time when a friend of ours came over to watch football, Judah was asleep in his bassinet and I went to lay down and heard Josh and him talking and joking. I couldn’t understand how they could find things funny. And I mean like a commercial on TV. Nothing in my world was funny or hopeful. Everything felt like too much.

I didn’t realize that that is what PPD looks like. Now, if you’ve read my blog much you know that I eventually got on some medicine, got some decent sleep and things have turned right-side up again. But it was an incredibly difficult and lonely time. For a PPD mom, you feel like nobody understands how you feel and that something must be wrong with you since you’re supposed to be so overjoyed with your new little baby – that’s what all the old ladies in the grocery store say, right? And if you’re a Yankee too, you wonder why you just can’t get yourself together and get through it. What I’ve realized is, I did get myself together and get through it.  I had to sacrifice my independence and desire to have it all together and talk to my doctor and talk to my  family and friends and let them serve me.

So thank you to the Webbs and being friends who went above and beyond.

Thank you to the Birth Center nurses and my midwife Emily who listened to my tears over the phone and in person and were real enough to say “It sucks but it gets better.”

Thank you to Tammy Daughtry and your delicious chicken n’ pastry supper you brought over one night. It was comfort food we didn’t know we needed, especially for a girl who was too anxious to eat most of the time.

Thank you to the lactation consultants at Vidant who routinely attempted to get me connected to the PPD support group (even though information was wrong three different times!)

Thank you to Josh for being a scared husband and new dad and handling it all with love.

Thank you Jesus for being bigger than the biggest problems I’ve faced yet 🙂


Our Adventure to the End of the Earth


At least that’s how Josh described Swan Quarter’s geographical location to me and let me just say, he was not wrong.


This past Sunday Josh was invited to preach at Swan Quarter Baptist Church. Our friend Hunter’s dad is the pastor there and was out of town attending our other friend Katy’s wedding in Colorado. So we packed up Judah, a box of toys, a couple of coffees and took the two hour drive due East. Driving out there is kind of strange because the area is so rural – nothing but fields and houses scattered here and there. It’s an area that always makes me feel small.

When we arrived, it was to an old, white wooden church and a gathered congregation of about 30 people. This was one of Josh’s very few experiences in a “traditional” church setting and definitely his first time preaching in one. I have to confess that I often scoff a little (mentally) whenever I’m back in a more traditional church – thinking hubristically that such services are so “out of touch” with the “real world”. This time I felt more connected in a way that I don’t feel at our own church. Maybe it was singing out of the song bible (our friend Wes didn’t grow up church and didn’t know what the hymnal was and called it the song bible) or being in a legitimately old church building but I felt this kind of joy at being a part of something that stretched back into history and connected me with other Christians in the past and in the present. It’s hard to explain but it was nice to experience something totally different and totally the same as what I’m used to.


Afterward, we had to leave to drive back home and stopped in Washington to eat at this place called Grub Brothers. SO GOOD. We had the “Possum in the trash” per a friend’s recommendation which is bbq pork nachos. Super yummy and I hope we go back soon!
