Prays Together Stays Together

The couple that prays together stays together…this is one of the cheesiest things since the grilled cheese sandwich at Denny’s that has fried cheese sticks in the middle of it. Despite the cheesiness of this statement, I have found it to be incredibly true in my relationship with Jess.

About once a week, we find time to turn off the TV, put down the cell phones, close the laptops and spend some time with each other simply praying to Jesus for the things that are going on in our lives, and in the lives of the people around us. Doing this with one another let’s us have the intimate experience of speaking to Jesus together, I don’t really know how to describe it. By praying together, we get to spend some time deepening the most important relationship that we have, our relationship with God. We have seen God move powerfully in response to our prayers, He has brought peace into our lives and the lives of the people we have prayed for. He has given us comfort and direction in the decisions that we have had to make in our time of growing together as an engaged couple.

You don’t have to do it exactly like we do, but I encourage you to spend some intentional time praying with the people in your life. I once heard it said that praying for somebody is easy, praying with them is tough, but I know from experience that there is nothing quite as fulfilling as the time that I get to spend praying with Jess.