22 Weeks


Big news: It’s a boy! I guess we really can’e be left out of anything so, like the other 6 babies at Discovery, we’re also having a son 🙂 At our appointment yesterday the very first picture the tech got was our little Judah “showing off” – I guess he wanted to make it easy for us! It was absolutely wonderful to see him moving around in there, waving his arms and crossing his ankles (just like Josh!) Our tech was super nice also and because we were the last appointment of the day, she gave us some complimentary 3D shots so we can see his little face! After the appointment, we went to Toys R Us to get a stuffed lion for the nursery – we had decided that if it was a boy we wanted to do a Narnia nursery theme and it seemed to fit doubly with the name Judah. I know it’s still early, but I can’t wait to meet him! 🙂

Baby’s Heartrate: 150 bpm at our appointment on Friday and also yesterday at the ultrasound. Nice and strong!

Total Weight Gain: Up to an even 10 lbs at the last appointment. Not bad for halfway!

Movement: I feel some good kicks every day now. Usually I can feel him in the morning when I first get up and right after supper when Josh and I are usually relaxing on the couch. Josh has even been able to feel a couple kicks from the outside!

Biggest Craving This Week: By far – milk! Wednesday I picked up a quart of milk on my way home from work and by the time we were done with supper I’d finished the entire thing! It’s the third quart of milk I’ve drank in the last two weeks so I guess that means Judah is growing some strong bones.

How clothes fit: About the same as they have been – only maternity bottoms from here on out but I can still use a lot of my pre-preggo tops with no problem. And the best news? I made it to the end of the school year without having to buy more work pants! YAY!

Energy Level: Mostly normal although I seem to get worn out a lot more easily when being active. Josh and I have taken a couple of walks this week and we were tossing the Frisbee on Father’s Day and I had to quit a loot sooner than normal. This is probably only going to get worse as Judah keeps crowding out my lungs!

Rants/Random: Well, this week was quite the rollercoaster. Josh and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary and I finished up school. However, I also found out that the school board decided not to renew my contract for next year. I’ve been reassured over and over that they love me as a teacher but because I tried to be honest and let them know I wouldn’t be returning to work after having our baby, they decided it would be best to hire someone who could be there all year. I get that but it does put us in the tricky position of not having insurance come October. We’re trusting God to provide something though.

Looking Forward To: Getting started on the nursery! I can’t wait to get the second bedroom ready for our little boy!

And some pictures for you… 🙂


This is one is my favorite 🙂



20 Weeks

Hurray! We’re about halfway!

Excuse the blurry mirror...only full size mirror around is at school...

Excuse the blurry mirror…only full size mirror around is at school…

Total Weight Gain: I think somewhere around 8-9lbs. I packed some on this week for sure!

Baby’s Heart Rate: Right around 150 BMP at last doctor’s appointment. The funny thing is, Baby Mo seems to like to hang out on my left side. Every time they check the heart rate and even when they did the first ultrasound, there he was!

Movement: Feel some good kicks this week. Feels like a little push from the inside and I can feel it on the outside now too! Josh still hasn’t been able to yet but I’m sure it’s coming. I think I did feel a full body roll one day at school. I told Josh it sort of felt like an earthquake in my abdomen. I don’t how else to describe it! Everything was kind of rumbling and shaking but all on the inside.

Biggest Craving This Week: Everything! This week I’ve been hungry all. the. time. I told Josh I’m starting to feel like a hobbit. You know, breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, supper, etc. Hopefully all that means is baby is growing!

How clothes fit: I am desperately trying to make it the last 6 days of school without buying any maternity work pants and I think I can make it happen. But even some of my stretchier pants don’t zip up anymore and some of my non-maternity shirts definitely have to stretch out over the bump. I don’t mind too much though because people are actually starting to comment about how I “look” pregnant!

Energy Level: Still going strong, I’ve been tired some lately but that has to do with all the different things going on at the end of the year and such rather than pregnancy related.

Rants/Random: Our pool is open! And my mom got me a super cute maternity bathing suit top so I can’t wait to heave my pregnant body into the aqua lounger for the summer. We went to the pool on Memorial Day weekend and I just wore a bikini top…that’s not going to happen again! I just felt way too self conscious. Even though I “look” pregnant and thankfully don’t have any stretch marks yet, I still felt like a bloated whale so I’m glad to have a large swathe of fabric to hide behind next time.

Looking Forward To: Our next doctor’s appointment after school gets out on June 13. And (hopefully) that’s also when we’ll find out if Baby Mo is a boy or a girl! 🙂