Ironing my husband’s shirts.


This week Josh is up in Ahoskie doing an audit with his firm. It’s kinda crazy to be helping my husband pack for a business trip. It’s like we’re grown-ups now.  But as I was ironing shirts and pants and folding underwear and socks I started thinking about my mom doing the same things when I was little. My dad used to travel fairly often and although he can fix and figure out just about anything mechanical, an iron puts him in a choke-hold faster than Jon Jones, metaphorically speaking of course. I distinctly remember him attempting to iron a shirt once and after 20 frustrating minutes it ended up more wrinkled than before he started. I guess I feel so privileged to be able to care for my husband in this way. Ironing is a blessing because it means that I have a husband, one who is healthy and employed. It means that we have more than we need and can afford dress shirts and pants. It means my husband is considered reliable by his employer to be asked to help with this audit.

Sometimes things to be thankful for hide behind the everyday 🙂