After hours.

Whew. I don’t know about you but lately I’ve only had one emotion – exhausted. I think it’s  partially the time of year but also it’s the crazy whirlwind of events going on. Josh and I are both struggling right now to figure out a good balance of busyness and working hard with making time to Sabbath and rest. It’s hard to call Sunday a good rest day when we set up and tear down church most weeks, lead small group, and get ready for our work weeks. Not that we would trade any of those things! But it does get to be quite a lot. Also, it’s tax season and Josh has to put in a lot of hours at the office. On most nights he doesn’t get home until 8:30 and we have just a couple hours to spend together before we both have to go to bed. It’s hard to sacrifice that hour or two each night I get to see him for something as boring as sleep! We’re trying to figure it out though. One of our things has been the understanding that even if Josh has to work longer hours during the week and on Saturday, he does everything possible not to have to go in on Sundays. We’ve learned a lot about being intentional with our time together (are we going on a date this Friday or hanging out with our friends? We have a cousin’s birthday party on Saturday, how can we make sure we’re both there?) This funky schedule has screwed with our eating habits a little bit too. I get home around 4:30-5 each day and am ready for supper. Trouble is, supper is usually still a few hours away. I’ve been forced to/had the opportunity to cook more because going out to eat at 8:30 on a Tuesday is not an option. It’s helped me be a better meal planner too.

Despite all these wonderful things I’m learning — I’m still wholeheartedly saying “Come on June!”