12 Weeks (2.0)


In case you missed it, we’re pregnant again! And apparently a lot of people missed it, thank you Facebook algorithms. Josh and I had been hoping to sell the condo before we had more children (as we have no yard, and only one other bedroom) but decided that we didn’t want to keep waiting indefinitely. So it’s a lot of trust in God’s provision for whatever He has planned for us next!

I plan to update the blog like I did last time and I’m going to try to use the same format. I must confess I didn’t really want to upload a belly picture because I’m still a lot pudgy-er this time around than I was with Judah. BUT a bump is a bump and I still want to see how it grows over the next six months!


Total Weight Gain: Since I found out I was pregnant, I’ve lost two pounds! This pregnancy I have felt waaaay more nauseous than I did with Judah. Thankfully I still never had true morning sickness with barfing but food of any kind hasn’t really appealed to me. I joke with Josh that if I wasn’t trying to grow another human, this would be the best way to meet my weight loss goals!

Baby’s Heart Rate: We had our first appointment at the birth center at 10 weeks and baby was still too small to hear a heartbeat. Not worry, it should be loud and strong by the next one!

Biggest Craving this week: This week I feel like I’ve finally started to enjoy food again! My biggest cravings have been fruit and juice and smoothies. But this week I’ve noticed that when people mention something, I suddenly can’t get it out of my head. Like, my friend Natalie was talking about fried chicken last week and I had to have it for lunch. Or my other friend Heather talking about baked potatoes and suddenly that sounded sooooo good! Last night I asked Josh to pick up some Sour Patch Kids on his way home. So far all the food cravings have been very different than when I was pregnant with Judah.

Energy Level: This has been hard to measure because I get sleepier earlier in the night than normal (like I’m practically asleep on the couch at 9pm) but I’ve had a really hard time sleeping at night. Either I struggle to fall asleep or when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, I can’t fall back to sleep. Overall this pregnancy I haven’t noticed a big difference in energy level like I did last time.

How clothes fit: I can wear all my normal clothes although on occasion I’ll bust out a pair of maternity jeans. Mostly because they are so comfortable and I don’t know why it’s not acceptable to wear elastic band/stretchy jeans all the time.

Movement: None yet of course. I’m wondering if I will notice sooner this time around since I know what it feels like!

Next Doctor’s Appointment: November 4. Since it’s my second pregnancy, I don’t have to go every month at first, just every six weeks which is easier since it’s such a drive to Chapel Hill. But we should be able to hear the heartbeat and schedule our ultrasound then!

Looking Forward to: Thanksgiving! I’ve been wanting turkey and cranberry sauce and everything for like a week. Plus, I love the holidays and I’m looking forward to enjoying them with family!