Why We Chose a Birth Center

See the massive room compared to a hospital room? With hot tub and “escape hatch”?

“Don’t you know you’re going to have to drive to Chapel Hill like, once a week?”

“So you want to drive an hour and a half while in labor?”

“Aren’t you worried about having to have your baby on the side of the highway?”

“But the hospital is like 5 minutes away from you guys!”

The above are typical responses when Josh and I tell people that we decided to have our baby at the birth center in Chapel Hill rather than at the hospital in Greenville. Typically, I just kind of smile and nod but I figured here on the blog I could maybe explain myself a little better.

First of all, yes, I do know that I’ll have to drive back and forth to Chapel Hill a lot – once a week towards the end of my pregnancy. Believe it or not, that is something Josh and I considered and it ties in a lot with the answer to the second questions which is no, I don’t want to drive an hour and a half in labor but I think it’s worth it. Why? Because I believe birth is a natural process and that I want as few medical interventions as possible. And I believe, through research and anecdotal evidence, I’m more likely to encounter that attitude at the birth center than at the hospital.

I have to admit, Josh was a bit skeptical when I first pitched him this idea. We had our first “confirmation of pregnancy” appointment at my regular OB/GYN in Greenville and while our midwife was very nice, she talked a hundred miles an hour and left us feeling rather like we’d been through a checklist than interacted with (side note: I know that in the medical field, this is not entirely her fault what with quotas, a busy practice, and limited time for appointments). I scheduled a tour of the birth center, which is required before you can request an appointment, and most of the way there Josh kept asking me questions about why I wanted to do this – and a lot of other questions I didn’t have answers too but felt we could get answered on the tour. He wasn’t against the idea but he definitely wasn’t sold on it until after the tour and the informational meeting. The director of the center explained a bit about how the center was different than a hospital and what to expect and answered probably a thousand questions both articulated and not during this 30 minute meeting with about 15 couples. This is where we learned that we don’t need to be afraid of delivering a baby on the side of the highway – the midwives have had people come from Greenville and further for years and have it down to a science (one that they promise to teach us as well) when to get in the car and get to the center in plenty of time.

Everyone’s biggest concern seems to be “What if something goes wrong?”

First of all, it’s not like I’m going to the woods and some old witch doctor is going to bring along her herbal tea and we hope for the best (I exaggerate to make a point) all the midwives at the birth center are CNMs, just like at my OB/GYN. The center has been around for 20 years and has a long standing relationship with UNC Hospital so that if something should go wrong, they can stay with us all the way. Also, they have all the same things for infant resuscitation and postpartum care that they do in the hospital. A big factor for me was also this idea that it is a rare thing for a normal low-risk pregnancy to jump to high-risk emergency without any other warning signs. The director also made it very clear that they don’t have an agenda at the birth center, they are not out to prove that we don’t need hospitals and OBs so if something looks not quite right, they transfer care – even if that happens before labor and delivery.

When we left, Josh looked at me and said that, for the first time, he felt like he could be a legitimate part of this process. He explains it like this: the midwives at the birth center talked about giving birth like it was a craft and an art whereas the midwife at my OB office talked about birth like a science experiment. That was all the confirmation I needed that this was the right place for us.

So, again, what’s the big deal? I could cite numerous studies that show that a typical hospital birth has a 30% chance of ending in a C-section, major surgery I would like to avoid. Or how the policies governing these hospitals and doctors require a woman to be induced after no more than a week past her due date. How inductions with pitocin can cause fetal distress because the contractions are longer, harder, and closer together than “natural” ones. How getting an epidural often slows labor and hospitals are on a clock to get you to birth a baby. And on and on. I firmly believe that this is the best choice for me and for our family because I believe it will work best when my body can take it’s natural course.

I hope this was a more articulate explanation than I feel it is. I don’t judge other women for giving birth in a hospital or having a C-section, I just know what feels right for me and it doesn’t look like normal – but when have I ever been normal? 🙂

Charlotte Trip (part 3)

I know I promised an update on Charlotte forever ago so here it is… Friday we woke up and looked up a great place to get coffee for breakfast. It’s truly amazing – the best latte I’ve ever had, they make everything to order including the coffee which they do pour-over style. I even experienced true latte art!

It said online that this place validated parking so when we left, we went to the little machine to have it stamp our ticket. However, in keeping with the rest of the trip, when Josh went to put in the machine it refused to take the ticket. It not only wouldn’t validate the parking, it also wouldn’t take the ticket so we could pay for it! So there we were, once again, trapped in a parking garage…

Josh was not pleased

Eventually we were freed and made our way over to IKEA which was AWESOME! Neither of us had been before and we had a great time looking at all the different “rooms” they have set up and dreaming about what we liked or didn’t like about each thing. We also managed to pick up a new welcome mat (our old one said ‘Keep Out’ and Josh reckoned that since we were adults now we probably needed a new one) a nice gray rug for the living room and two new bedside lamps all for less than $50. We can’t wait to go back! We headed home after that, what a wonderful getaway it was 🙂

17 Weeks


Things have been crazy busy around here! Between birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduations and general life stuff I haven’t been able to update much. Thankfully, we’ll be getting a lull this weekend before it all picks up again until the end of June. Also, Brad and Rachel should be having their baby any minute now (literally) and I am so excited to meet Baby C! To say I have a few distractions today is an understatement… 🙂

Total Weight gain:  Up 5lbs in all so, according to Dr. Google, I’m right on track.

Biggest Craving This Week: Fritos. I don’t know why but this past week I’ve been craving a cheese toast sandwich with Fritos scoops.

Energy Level: About normal for me. I feel like I definitely have a Cinderella hour these days though – I’m great until about 10PM and then, no matter what’s going on, it’s time for bed.

How Clothes Fit: I’m full on out of my normal pants now without my belly band. I’ve started liking my few maternity shirts a lot more too, mostly because I feel like they go all the way over my belly instead of just stretching across it, probably due to the long torso I’ve mentioned before. I think this week I’ve “popped” because last Thursday I woke up and all of a sudden I had a little bump where prior I’d only just felt fat and bloated.

Movement: I’ve felt a few little kicks! It’s really hard to describe, I don’t feel any “fluttering” or “tickling” but there have been one or two muscle twitch like feelings and some that almost feel like a gas bubble. The best description I’ve read, and seems to describe me, is when a goldfish is in a bag of water and they bump up against the side 🙂

Next doctor’s appointment: Next Thursday the 22nd. And since everyone has been asking, I’m not sure if I’m finding out the gender then – they didn’t mention anything about an ultrasound so I’m going to call this week.

Looking forward to: Birth classes start tonight! I have no idea what to expect but I hope they will be fun and I will learn some things about labor (Josh just hopes there will be snacks)

Charlotte Trip (part 2)

So after our exciting garage adventure, Josh and I got up on Thursday morning hoping for someplace to get breakfast. We ended up driving out to this genuine 50s diner across from the NC Music Factory. It was an old diner built in like 1948 in New Jersey and had been purchased and restored and moved to Charlotte. We had a really yummy breakfast but possibly the best part came when we got our ticket – it said our server’s name was “Honey Badger” which cracked us both up. So of course we had to get a picture with “Honey Badger.”

From there we went out to the Billy Graham Library which was really cool. We realized we didn’t take a single picture while we were there unfortunately. It’s really not a library, it’s almost more like a museum about Billy Graham’s life. Part of what made it cool was that it didn’t seem like “how awesome is Billy Graham” but more about how God worked through him and his team over the last 50 years. It was also really beautiful and peaceful – I had expected it to be right in the city but instead it was almost in it’s own park. Defnitely one of the highlights of our trip.

After we finished up there, we decided to find someplace for lunch. Josh mentioned wanting a salad so I googled this Deli type place to try. When we found it, we joked that we had very clearly found the hipster part of town (it has a very strong odor in my opinion). The deli place was not that great looking though – it was kind of a dark, dank shop with a deli counter and so we ended up walking out and going on a walking hunt for someplace else to eat. We ended up at this place called the Diamond Diner which was pretty tasty but nothing to rave about. Later we learned that we had a missed a truly great place called the Penguin. Although, I did mention it when we were walking but was having such a tough time with food decisions that day that we were pretty hungry by the time we decided on the place.

From there, we went back to the hotel to try and take a short nap (Josh was much more successful at sleeping through the construction noise than I was) and afterward got in touch with our wonderful wedding photographers about someplace cool to eat for supper since they live in Charlotte. They suggested this place called the Epicenter which has live music on Thursday nights in the summer. It was right Uptown too so we figured we’d check it out. The Epicenter is kind of like an open air mall except it’s 3 floors and all restaurants and bars. There seriously must have been about 30 restaurants to choose from. We ended up at this place called Tin Roof and it was…a letdown. The food was terrible. I got a chicken quesadilla that was literally PLAIN chicken breast on white cheese with some green peppers. Josh got a chicken salad with their “homemade balsamic vinegrette”. It was quite a disappointment so, to console ourselves, we decided to go listen to some of the music and maybe find someplace to get dessert.

We headed to the top floor where one of the bands was playing. It was a country cover band and they weren’t terrible but they weren’t great either. And it soon became abundantly clear that we were the only married people here. To be fair, the entire event is to promote networking among the young professionals working in Uptown Charlotte but it was kind of hilarious how much we stuck out considering we were definitely the median age. After listening to the band for a while, we eventually left and went down a floor and listened to this punk cover band which was much better. We started to wonder about dessert places when this girl came up to us and handed us a card for Howl at the Moon, a dueling piano bar. They didn’t have any desserts but our gracious waiter brought me a Hurricane (with no alcohol of course) and we got to watch some of the best live music I’ve seen in a long time. They had a full band as well as the two pianos and everyone in the band played every instrument and sang at some point in the night. They were great! I hope I can go back some day. By 11 o’clock we were tired (at least I was) so we went back to the hotel to go to sleep.

In the next installment… IKEA and getting stuck in ANOTHER parking garage!


Charlotte Trip

I seriously considered the much funnier title for this post to be “Getting stuck in parking garages” but more on that in a bit…

Josh and I decided to visit Charlotte for our “hurray we made it through another tax season!” trip. Neither of us had spent any time in the city and we’re excited to try some new things. Our first stop, though was for our doctor’s appointment in Chapel Hill where we got to hear Baby Morgan’s heartbeat! Sooo cool 🙂 Actually, our real first stop was in Durham to do some shopping and to meet up with Ty (Josh’s brother) for some lunch and hanging out. We ended up eating at California Pizza Kitchen which was new for all of us and it was delicious!

About 7:00 we arrived outside Charlotte for dinner at Dave & Buster’s. I’ve always wanted to try one these places but there aren’t any near us in Greenville. The food wasn’t terrible and we had fun playing games. It cracked me up the kinds of things you can cash in tickets for at an arcade that is geared for adults…

Parking lot selfie!


From there we went to check into our hotel. Now, I was very excited because I managed to find a 4-star hotel in Uptown Charlotte for $80 a night (thank you booking.com!) Thus begins the first parking garage adventure.

We had a hard time finding our hotel at first because of some road construction going on right in front of where our hotel was supposed to be. Eventually, we found a parking garage which had a sign saying “Plaza Uptown Hotel” and we knew that the hotel had an attached parking garage. So we pull in and immediately see all these construction materials and vehicles on the ground floor. Naturally, we assume that means that this garage is closed and, because we didn’t get a ticket on the way in, the gate is just open so people can leave easily. Wrong. After going to both ends of the garage with no way out, we had to call the “For Assistance” number and wait. And wait. And wait – until about 10:30 when somebody finally gets on the phone and says “oh, yeah, just the first floor is closed – the second floor is street level too and will get you to your hotel.” I was glad it was such an easy fix but really, no signs? Come on people.

Sad because we are stuck in a garage…

As we check in we realize why the hotel was only $80 a night – it’s under construction! Yay! Our room had already been renovated and was quite nice but clearly the staff was put out because they were the least friendly/welcoming hospitality staff I’ve ever encountered. Thankfully the construction didn’t start until 9am so it wasn’t too bad, but definitely a rough start to our first night!

Next up… Billy Graham library and being the “oldest” people at a live music event! Stay tuned…