14 Weeks (and Happy Easter!)

Happy Easter!

This year Josh and I once again hosted the big family lunch at our house. I love having a holiday where we aren’t the ones traveling! Plus, there’s something about having to rearrange all the furniture to fit in enough tables and chairs that really makes it feel like the holidays. Maybe because growing up, my parents always hosted Easter and they had to move the living room furniture into the dining room in order to fit everybody. (Adapt and overcome as my mom would say). We had a great time at church and eating a massive lunch with my grandparents, Josh’s parents and grandparents, and our good friend Alex. Unfortunately, my parents couldn’t be there but that’s because they were in Massachusetts welcoming little Mason into the world!

See? Adorbs.

Josh and I can’t wait to get up there for a visit sometime in June and kiss on those sweet baby cheeks. (Ok, so that may be putting words in Josh’s mouth but you get the idea) We ended the night with a campfire with our small group roasting Peeps and doing a glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt with the kids. And some of us, aka me, getting glitter eggs smashed on them which definitely raised some questions with the hair dresser today…

Some of us getting ready for the hunt!

And then here’s some good ol’ belly pics for 14 weeks (although I ate so much yesterday it may be more food-baby pics than baby-baby)


Thank you Silas, for your excellently timed photo bomb. Taking preggo selfies is no big deal...

Thank you Silas, for your excellently timed photo bomb. Taking preggo selfies is no big deal…

Total weight gain: 1 lb. I think. Trust me, no one was as surprised (and pleased!) as I was when I finally decided to step on the scale today!

Biggest Craving This Week: I had been craving fried chicken from Kitchen Chicken for weeks but as it’s only in Williamston I had no outlet. Until Monday when I had to stay late at school for Beta Club Inductions and got to eat with my grandparents and what should they order? Kitchen Chicken! Soooo delicious and proof that maybe there is some Southern blood in this kid too.

Energy Level: Surprisingly back down. I’ve always had low blood pressure but in the last week or so it seems to have dropped even more which has given me more headaches and a renewed longing for bed at 9 PM. I’ve been drinking more water and trying to get a little more exercise in and that seems to be helping some.

How clothes fit: For the most part I can still fit in all my clothes but I really can’t wear any of my pants (except some of the largest ones) without my belly band now. Shirts still aren’t a problem except that I have a long torso and now when I’m walking around with the belly band over the tops of my unbuttoned pants I feel like everyone can see my fly down. At least maternity shirts are notoriously longer so they should still be doable for me even after pregnancy!

Movement: think I’ve felt something gurgling around in their but it definitely could’ve been just a burp. I haven’t felt anything that’s like “yep, that’s definitely new!” yet

Next Doctor’s Appointment: Wednesday! Our first appointment at the birth center and we’ll finally get to hear baby’s heartbeat 🙂

Rants/Randoms: I realized this week that teaching is really not conducive to pregnancy. I can’t go to the bathroom whenever I need to which is a pain. Also, I’ve been getting crazy out of breath lately! That means when I’m walking around the classroom and teaching, I often have to pause and literally catch my breath. It feels so ridiculous and my kids all look at me like “What is wrong with you?” (they don’t “officially” know that I’m pregnant yet) Also, similar to the bathroom thing, I keep a water bottle on my desk but the struggle is only get a couple times a day to refill it and I’ve been guzzling it down lately. I know there are way worse jobs to have and be pregnant, I guess it’s just something I wouldn’t have thought about until I lived it!

Looking forward to: Josh and I’s end-of-tax-season getaway to Charlotte for a couple of days this week. And thank goodness the weather is cooperating with my much needed Spring Break and we are supposed to have warm weather and sunshine all week!


12 Weeks

Bet you can’t tell there’s 3 people in this picture!

Yep, it’s true – we’re going to have a baby! We couldn’t be more excited. Especially as everyone else we know is pregnant and, being the extroverts that we are, we didn’t want to be left out! (jk, jk… but seriously, everyone is pregnant around here)

Four out of the six ladies in my small group. It’s been a long winter 😉

The day I found out I was pregnant was quite epic. 1) Because I didn’t really think I was pregnant and Josh was away on business for a week 2) Because my lovely, warm North Carolina got about six inches of snow. I found out I was pregnant and knew right away how I wanted to tell Josh and needed to get a book which, of course, they didn’t carry in Greenville. I knew it was supposed to snow but I figured I could get to Raleigh and back before it got bad. Wrong. Getting there was fine and yes, I managed to get the book. And then it took me over 6 hours to get home (on a normally 1.5 hour drive).

And apparently, Baby Mo loves snow and ice because the day we told our parents we decided to drive out Rocky Mount (an hour away) in an ice storm! I am very thankful to have had safe trips but seriously – I guess this kid has some true Yankee blood!

The first trimester is nearly behind me and I am very thankful. Although it may cause women worldwide to hate me, I really didn’t have a bad first trimester. Seriously, I didn’t get sick even one time and except for the occasional “I just don’t want to eat anything” feelings at night, I could hardly tell I was pregnant!

I’m going to try and keep things updated here in a format that I totally stole from one of my favorite blogs Tales of Life, Love, and Ice Cream

Total Weight Gain: As of my last appointment 2 weeks ago, I hadn’t gained any weight – I’m sure that will change soon (and may have already, I’m just avoiding the scale)

Baby’s Heart Rate: 170 bpm again at last appointment. I googled it (of course) and that’s a nice strong heart rate!

Biggest Craving this week: Probably the Milk Duds and Coke I had on Sunday. Normally, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth and would rather have a handful of chips. Or a steak. But lately I can’t seem to get enough of them!

Energy Level: Just about back to normal. During the first trimester I could barely stay awake until Josh got home (which is late because of tax season anyway) and definitely not if I didn’t get a nap in first. This past week though, I have been back to normal (with no naps!)

How clothes fit: For the most part I can still wear my normal clothes, though I did cave and buy my first pair of maternity jeans last week – Old Navy brand for $3.63! – because my jeans were no longer comfortable. I also have a belly band (think the bottom half of a tank top) and that seems to be getting me through my tighter work pants.

Movement: None yet though it should only be a few more weeks until I can feel him (or her) swimming around in there!

Next Doctor’s Appointment: Not really sure at this point. Josh and I decided to go with the birthing center in Chapel Hill (which will probably be a separate post) so we’re waiting for them to review our records and set up an appointment. Hopefully the week after Easter!

Looking Forward to: The end of tax season and the birth of my nephew Mason in just one week!


I feel like I should update the blog but I also feel like I don’t have much to report. It’s been an unusually cold winter for North Carolina which means I’ve actually had some snow days! However, I like warm weather so I’ve been more than happy to see it go – especially this week when it’s been in the 70s in the afternoon. Other than that, there hasn’t been much to report.

We did get a cat. Did I mention that? His name is Silas and he is simultaneously adorable and destructive. Sometimes I wonder if we made the right choice getting him, especially when he won’t stop getting into stuff or if I’m in the middle of cleaning his litter box. But then, on these long nights when I’m all alone because Josh is still at work, he’ll cuddle with me on the couch and all is forgiven.

Even Josh likes him 🙂

My sister and brother in law came down in February for a visit and we got to throw them a small baby shower which was so much fun! I was a little bummed I couldn’t make it up for the one her church friends were throwing her but it sounds like they got a ton of good stuff for my nephew (who should be here in the next couple of weeks!)

Right now, I’m just counting down the days til Spring Break. Spring Break means the end of tax season and a little getaway for the two of us. I can’t remember who suggested it to Josh but it has been a lifesaver – it’s something that we both look forward to especially in these last few weeks when the hard parts get harder. This year I just hope we don’t both get strep!