The Little Things


I follow a college friend’s blog pretty regularly. I wish I could say that it was because she was doing something incredible and world changing but it’s not (although she does live in South Florida which I think is pretty incredible). She is living life, raising a new daughter and generally being “normal”. Lately, as in the past two days or so, I’ve realized that I think I enjoy her blog so much because she writes in a way that praises the everyday. I think I take that for granted too much. I’m the kind of person who’s always looking ahead to the next thing – always a planner and a scheduler. Who doesn’t like looking forward to things? I guess though that because of that I don’t take time to appreciate the brief time I have with things. Something as simple as pictures of the house Josh and I live in, our neighborhood, our friends hanging out at the house. Josh was teasing me yesterday for wanting to take pictures on our walk and I just couldn’t quite explain that I don’t want to be sitting with our children, 15 years from now, and not be able to show them pictures from our life when we were “just married.” It’s like I had this epiphany where I realized that things won’t be like *this* forever. I still don’t know that I’m being all that clear, but it’s a had a profound impact on me.

So, with that, I want to say that today I am enjoying the sunshine, the winding down of school and beginning of summer, and the chance to just BE for awhile. 🙂

I have the best husband ever!

Yesterday when Josh walked in the house from work, he brought me these!
imageYes, they’re in his Krispy Kreme mug because along our road is a field that has some really beautiful wildflowers growing near the street. I just love the way all the colors fit so perfectly together. I mentioned it sort of offhand to Josh last week that I thought they were so pretty and my sweet husband stopped on the road to pick me a bunch! 🙂 It does amuse me a little to picture what other drivers must have been thinking watching this grown man, in a shirt and tie, pick wildflowers by the side of the road. It’s funny because just the other day I was thinking about how Josh would buy me flowers and have them sent to me at work last year for no reason. Nothing made me feel more special,  but sending flowers out to Bear Grass is a little more difficult and honestly, now that we’re married, the idea of dropping $50 on flowers for “just because” would probably not go over as well. These flowers, however, made me feel even more special because he took the time to pick them and he remembered that I said I liked them!

Not to leave anything out, he also helped me clean out the kitchen yesterday after a bag of ground beef exploded all over the fridge AND he went for a walk with me to help me calm down and vent after a less than stellar parent teacher conference. What can I say? He’s the best!! 🙂