
They say you start to forget all the hard stuff about having a baby. I’m only 8 months in and I think this is already true! However, there is so much I’m feeling thankful for today, I want to list it so maybe I won’t forget 🙂

Firstly, I’m so unbelievably thankful to a few friends who introduced me to Babywise. I’m not trying to start a Mommy War here but this week, every morning as I drink my coffee and watch the Today Show while Judah plays happily in his pack n play, I can’t imagine how I would have adapted without the help of this philosophy. I think the same thing when we can visit with friends and put Judah down at their house, get him up when we’re ready to go and he goes right back down when we get home. When I can plan my day because I know Judah is going to take a nap and for how long.

Related, I’m thankful for Val Plowman – a woman I’ve never met (and probably never will) but who writes an exhaustive blog on raising babies and follows the -wise series philosophies. This has been my go to for help in problem solving and planning because it’s very practical. She has 4 children and therefore a varied enough experience that I feel like I can almost always find an answer to my questions.

I’m thankful for my mom who took off a week of work when Judah was first born to stay at the house with me and fix me cinnamon toast for breakfast and who took off more time when I was so overwhelmed and needed her even longer.

I’m thankful for my sister who texted me constantly in those first weeks (we still text a lot FYI) Sometimes she was just the encouragement I needed, sometimes she was my sounding board, and sometimes she was able to say things like “just relax, it will be ok.” 🙂

I’m thankful for our church family who came over and hung out and brought us meals. They made me feel less alone.

I’m thankful for the entire Webb family. They would hang out with us, eat with us, bounce Judah when he cried, Kate stayed overnight to make sure we got some sleep and I wouldn’t feel so anxious. They gave us an unbelievable gift and I’m so glad we’ve become such good friends since then.

I’m thankful for Josh’s job with CDS. This past Sunday morning while Judah was napping before church, we just talked about work stuff. It’s a wonderful provision from God. Josh enjoys what he does, works with some great people, and of course NO TAX SEASON. 🙂

This is just a partial list but sometimes I worry that all I talk about on my blog is the hard stuff and it’s not all hard. So here’s my attempt to balance it all out 🙂