“We’re putting the FUN back in FUNdamentalism!”

Or, Our Weekend at Liberty University (that’s the subtitle that WordPress won’t let me use but anyway…) This past weekend Josh and I had the chance to go up to Liberty University with our dear friends Brad and Rachel to hear Mark Driscoll as part of his Real Marriage tour. We planned this a few months ago and were all ready for a break, especially after a killer tax season for Josh. We took Friday off and all met up for a brunch at Waffle House.

After that we were on our way! None of us had been to Lynchburg before but we did pass through parts of Durham that Brad was familiar with. I do believe at one point it was said “How did people do this before phones?” to which I responded “They used this thing called a map.” It was pretty funny but also pointed out that all of us relied heavily on our phones to not only find directions but to find places to eat, stop, and whatever else. We got to our hotel at about 4:00 that afternoon and almost immediately decided to stay an extra night. Originally, Rachel wisely opted to book one room for all of us at a nicer hotel since we would  be only staying a short while and it would help it feel more like a vacation. I’m so glad to be friends with that woman! The hotel was lovely with lots of amenities and really did makes us feel we were much farther from Greenville than just a few hours. We all traipsed up to the room and of course, since its a hotel and there’s two fluffy beds in the room I attempt a belly flop onto one almost as soon as we walk in. Mistake. Apparently, the Hilton now has these fancy new mattresses where you can adjust the firmness using a little knob at the side of the bed. Brilliant right? Not so brilliant when whoever was there before you had it turned to the firmest setting and you attempt to jump, spreadeagled, into it. It was like landing on a plywood box and made about the same sound. Not exactly how I wanted to start my vacation but it did make us laugh. We ended up going down to the pool before heading over to the university for the first session. The first night Mark focused on friendship and forgiveness. The friendship chapter in his book was Josh and I’s favorite. Of course he was speaking about friendship in the context of marriage but what the Bible has to say about friendship is true for all friendships. Like, and I had never heard this before, that God is one in the trinity but that is also God in friendship. To me, it’ makes sense to think of the Father and Jesus and the Spirit being absolute best friends in ways not unlike Josh and I are friends or Rachel and I are friends. He also talked about making sure you have fun with your spouse and that might mean different things for both of you. I do believe we took him up on that challenge almost immediately following the first night. How? Next post 🙂

Supper at Firehouse Subs

We played "who's here for the conference?" The people behind Brad and Rachel were! (and they were weird!)


This weekend has been full of good-byes. Today we had to put our beagle, Bessie, down. She was 16 years old yesterday (which, for those of you who can’t or won’t count, is 112 in dog years.) I’ll be the first to tell you that I don’t get particularly attached to pets but it is still a little sad to say good bye to something you’ve fed, played with, cleaned up after, and plain ol’ lived with for 16 years. She was old and starting to suffer and it was time for her to go. She’s just been around so long it will seem strange not to see her around the house.

Bessie (about 6 years ago)

This weekend was also Randy’s last Sunday at Discovery. I know Christians love to throw around strange concepts like “brother in Christ” but Randy has been one of few men I’ve known that I can honestly say that about. He taught me to play bass (after his wife, Laci, saw me playing Rock Band and said “I bet she can play bass!” True story.) and was one of the first people to talk me after I moved to Greenville. He’s always just felt like the big, goofy, guitar-playing brother I never had. I got to know Laci a little bit through our ladies Bible study and even though we were never the closest friends, she was always so easy to talk to and laugh with that I never felt awkward (especially when I would have to do random things like pick up a laptop or keys from her at their house.)

The Strickland Family (minus Randy)

It may seem weird, but in a lot of ways saying good bye to my dog and saying good bye to the Stricklands are kind of similar. Just like it was Bessie’s time to go, I really believe that it was Randy’s time to go too. Even when I was in the middle of crying thinking of how much I would miss them, I kept thinking of all the opportunities to grow that this move provided. Think about it, Discovery is 6 years old (I think) and has never had a major staff change.  In what ways is God going to use whoever we bring on next to grow and sanctify us as a church? Or for Randy. As far as I know, he has always been under Jason’s leadership — ever since youth group! Think of all the cool ways God will grow and stretch him as he moves to something, and somewhere, totally new!

Strickland family, if you read this, know that we miss you very much but are so glad to have had the chance to know you. Plus, moving to Wisconsin has officially given Josh and I the furthest distance to mail a Christmas card!  🙂